Michael T. Lam, Ph.D.
Carl Sagan Center for Research, SETI Institute
I study pulsar timing as a member of the NANOGrav Collaboration. For a primer in what we hope to accomplish, see my TEDxIthacaCollege talk: Celestial Clocks and Ripples in Spacetime!
I am interested in understanding the different processes that lead to uncertainties in our timing of pulsars. My active areas of research include:
- Understanding how the pulsar timing array works as a detector for gravitational waves
- Pulsar noise modeling, both characterization and prediction, from intrinsic pulse jitter to propagation effects
- Interstellar medium propagation effects, such as scattering, scintillation, and dispersion measure variations
IAU member 18282
Publications: For a complete list of publications, please see my CV.
Thesis: Characterization of a Precision Pulsar Timing Gravitational Wave Detector
(direct pdf)
(August 22, 2016)